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VIDEO. Présidentielle : «Je pourrais voter Macron», assure Cohn-Bendit

LeParisien / Politique - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 21:16
On l'avait vu assister il y a une quinzaine de jours à une réunion d'Emmanuel Macron à l'université Humboldt de Berlin. Ce jeudi, l'ancien eurodéputé Daniel Cohn-Bendit a franchi un pas supplémentaire...
Categories: France

Fillon renoncera à la présidentielle s'il est mis en examen

France24 / France - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 20:40
François Fillon était jeudi l'invité du 20 heures de TF1, au lendemain des révélations sur les emplois présumés fictifs de son épouse. Il a assuré qu'elle travaillait pour lui "depuis toujours" et jugé "abjectes" les accusations portées contre elle.
Categories: France

9 millióan vettek részt az Erasmuson 30 év alatt

EU Pályázati Portál - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 20:19
2015-ben rekordsokan tanultak és dolgoztak vele külföldön.
Categories: Pályázatok

9 millióan vettek részt az Erasmuson 30 év alatt

Eurológus - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 20:19
2015-ben rekordsokan tanultak és dolgoztak vele külföldön.

New Book by CSG Executive Director

SSR Resource Center - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 20:06

Security Sector Reform in Conflict-Affected Countries: The Evolution of A Model

By Mark Sedra

KITCHENER, CANADA – The Centre for Security Governance (CSG) is pleased to announce the publication by Routledge of a new book written by CSG Executive Director Mark Sedra. The book examines the evolution, impact, and future prospects of the security sector reform model in conflict-affected countries in the context of the wider debate over the liberal peace project. It is part of the series “Routledge Studies in Conflict, Security and Development”.

Learn More at Routledge Store Summary

This book examines the evolution, impact, and future prospects of the Security Sector Reform (SSR) model in conflict-affected countries in the context of the wider debate over the liberal peace project.

Since its emergence as a concept in the late 1990s, SSR has represented a paradigm shift in security assistance, from the realist, regime-centric, train-and-equip approach of the Cold War to a new liberal, holistic and people-centred model. The rapid rise of this model, however, belied its rather meagre impact on the ground. This book critically examines the concept and its record of achievement over the past two decades, putting it into the broader context of peace-building and state-building theory and practice. It focuses attention on the most common, celebrated and complex setting for SSR, conflict-affected environments, and comparatively examines the application and impacts of donor-supported SSR programing in a series of conflict-affected countries over the past two decades, including Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo, East Timor and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The broader aim of the book is to better understand how the contemporary SSR model has coalesced over the past two decades and become mainstreamed in international development and security policy and practice. This provides a solid foundation to investigate the reasons for the poor performance of the model and to assess its prospects for the future.

This book will be of much interest to practitioners, analysts, academics and students of international security, peacebuilding, statebuilding, development studies and IR in general.

Categories: Defence`s Feeds

The Brief from Brussels: Theresa May in den USA

EuroNews (DE) - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 20:03
Wird es der Anfang einer großen Freundschaft sein?
Categories: Europäische Union

Erasmus africain : l’idée de Manuel Valls séduira-t-elle les étudiants européens ?

France24 / Afrique - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:59
Le candidat de la primaire de la gauche, Manuel Valls, a annoncé, mercredi, vouloir créer un Erasmus entre Africains et Européens. Un projet très vague, qui met en lumière le recul de la France comme première destination des étudiants africains.
Categories: Afrique

Guillaume Tabard : «Pour Fillon, l'enjeu politique est de garder l'autorité sur son camp»

Le Figaro / Politique - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:44
CONTRE-POINT - Le candidat de la droite entre dans une séquence où ses capacités à riposter face à la polémique et à fédérer les parlementaires de droite derrière lui seront mises à l'épreuve.
Categories: France

Történetek a ládafiából

PAFI - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:42
Az Örökségünk mozgalom videófilm-pályázatot ír ki amatőr alkotók és professzionális stábok részére Történetek a ládafiából címmel.
Categories: Pályázatok

Én és az erdő

PAFI - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:39
A kiíró legfőbb célkitűzése: a gyerekek és a környezet kapcsolatának tudatosítása, és ebből a célból, kiírtuk az országos vers- és prózaíró pályázatunkat, "Én és az Erdő" címmel!
Categories: Pályázatok

Nyitott Pálya

PAFI - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:36
2017. február-június között a Nyitott Kör ismét lehetőséget biztosítunk diákközösségek számára, hogy kedvezményes feltételekkel vegyenek részt színházi nevelési előadásainkon és drámaóráinkon.
Categories: Pályázatok


PAFI - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:31
Írjunk együtt mesekönyvet! Illusztráljunk együtt mesekönyvet!
Categories: Pályázatok

Sarkozy, Juppé, Hollande, Montebourg… au suivant !

Le Figaro / Politique - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:31
Le billet politique - En moins de trois mois, les Français ont sorti du paysage politique des personnalités en place depuis près de trente ans.
Categories: France

UN-backed measles vaccination campaign to reach 4.7 million children in north-east Nigeria

UN News Centre - Africa - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:31
A major vaccination campaign against a measles outbreak in northeast Nigeria is reaching 4.7 million children, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
Categories: Africa

Eurogroup Statement on the updated Draft Budgetary Plans for 2017 of Spain and Lithuania

European Council - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:30

Today, the Eurogroup discussed the 9 December update of the Draft Budgetary Plan (DBP) of Spain and the 15 December update of the DBP of Lithuania, based on the Commission Opinions of 17 January. We welcome the fact that these two Member States submitted full DBPs as requested in the Eurogroup statement of 5 December 2016.

We agree with the Commission Opinion that the budget of Spain is broadly compliant with the requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). We invite Spain to ensure compliance with these provisions within the national budgetary processes and welcome Spain's commitment to take any measures, if necessary.

We agree with the Commission Opinion that the budget of Lithuania is at risk of non-compliance with the requirements of the SGP. The Commission's 17 January Opinion largely confirms its November assessment. The Eurogroup also notes that the Commission will assess the authorities' application for the flexibility clause for Lithuanian structural reforms this spring. If granted, this would result in a smaller deviation from the adjustment path towards the MTO. The Eurogroup reiterates its invitation to Lithuania to implement the measures necessary to ensure that the SGP requirements are met.

As stated on 5 December 2016 the Eurogroup will follow progress made with respect to the implementation of the DBPs and additional commitments, based on follow-up assessments from the Commission, currently planned for March 2017.

Categories: European Union

Közel 160 orvos távozott Vajdaságból tavaly

VajdaságMA (Szerbia/Vajdaság) - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:16
A tavalyi év folyamán legkevesebb 152 orvos ment el Vajdaságból Németországba vagy máshová munkát keresni.

Plavčan szerint a PISA-teszt nem a tudást tükrözi

Hí (Szlovákia/Felvidék) - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:13
POZSONY. Az OECD PISA 2015 eredményei nem a tanulók tudásáról szólnak, hanem arról, hogyan tud az ifjúság dolgozni a tényekkel, hogyan tudja összekapcsolni azokat és hogyan tud értékelő következtetéseket levonni belőlük – mondta a parlament oktatásügyi bizottságának csütörtöki ülésén Peter Plavčan oktatásügyi miniszter, aki a képviselőket a tesztelés eredményeiről tájékoztatta.

EU-Innenminister ringen um Reform der Asylpolitik

EuroNews (DE) - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 19:02
Die EU hofft, dass längerfristig auch mit Libyen ein ähnlicher Flüchtlingspakt möglich ist, wie er bereits mit der Türkei existiert.
Categories: Europäische Union

Vol MH370 : les proches des disparus se battent pour connaître la vérité

France24 / Afrique - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 18:57
C’est un cas unique dans l’histoire de l’aviation moderne. Près de trois ans après sa disparition, le Boeing de la Malaysian Airlines MH370, qui transportait 239 personnes, n’a toujours pas été retrouvé. Les recherches officielles ont été interrompues et aucune conclusion satisfaisante n’est venue apaiser la douleur des familles. Certaines suspectent les autorités de leur cacher la vérité et ont décidé de mener leur propre enquête. Nos reporters les ont accompagnés dans leurs recherches.
Categories: Afrique

Remarks by J.Dijsselbloem following the Eurogroup meeting of 26 January 2017

European Council - Thu, 26/01/2017 - 18:55

Good evening and welcome to this Eurogroup press conference. Today we welcomed to the Eurogroup the new Minister of Finance of Lithuania, Vilius Šapoka, who informed us of the new government's plan and priorities; we also welcomed Sabine Lautenschläger, Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). She came in specially to talk about the report of the European Court of Auditors on the FSM.

First let me say some words on the euro area economy. We had a good exchange today with the IMF on the findings of their interim mission relating to the Article IV consultations with the euro area.  Growth in the euro area is firming and broadering in many countries -for the first time since the crisis all euro area Member States are forecast to grow again. Of course there are risks: risks from the inside relating to political instability or possible instability, and risks from the outside related to a new government in the US and the BREXIT. We have achieved a lot in the last few years, and we have left the crisis behind but at this juncture, it seems particularly important to reaffirm our continuous support for global free trade and the deepening of our single internal market. Both of which can and should deliver higher potential growth. So we should keep driving for open markets, to achieve more growth, job creation and improvement of living standards.

Second let me talk about Greece. We were first debriefed by the ESM on the implementation of the short term debt measures. I am sure Klaus Regling would say more about that.

Then we were informed by the institutions on the state of play of the second review. The good news is that the Greek economy is recovering faster than anyone expected. There are also strong dynamics on the fiscal side, with better than expected revenues. We have also heard that Greece is set to over perform its 2016 fiscal target.

And there is a clear understanding that a quick finalisation of the second review is in everyone's interest and will continue to support the positive trend in the economy.

The institutions and the Greek authorities will remain engaged in constructive discussions to solve the outstanding issues. We have encouraged them to accelerate that work, with a view to a quick return of the mission to Athens and reach a staff level agreement as soon as possible.

Third, on post-programme surveillance, the institutions debriefed us on the main findings of their missions to Ireland and Portugal.

As regards Ireland, we were very pleased to hear about the excellent economic and fiscal performance, while also noting some risks associated with the economic environment, of course especially at the UK "leave" vote. I think Michael Noonan the Irish minister said with his welknown Celtic under statement: "We are in a pretty good shape", and that basically sums up the  mission to Ireland.

On Portugal, it was good to learn that the recovery is underway and progress achieved on the fiscal and financial sector front. However, there are important risks in the medium term and there is no room for complacency. It is crucial that Portugal commits and stays committed to the reform agenda, given the need to boost potential growth also in the context of the still high debt and volatile market conditions. The Portuguese government is aware of these challenges and determined to tackle them.

Fourth, we discussed the Draft Budgetary Plans (DBPs) of Spain and Lithuania. I can be brief here as we have issued a statement on this topic.

The Eurogroup agrees with the Commission's Opinion that the budget of Spain is broadly compliant with the requirements of the SGP and that the budget of Lithuania is at risk of non-compliance. We also noted that the Commission will assess the Lithuanian authorities' application, for the flexibility clause related to their structural reforms and Commission will come back to that in spring.

And as stated at our previous meeting the Eurogroup will follow progress made with respect to the implementation of the DBPs plans and additional commitments that were made by ministers, following-up on the  next assessments from the Commission, currently planned for March 2017. So we will come back to the budgetary plans in March.

We were informed by the Commission about the report on compliance with the Fiscal Compact. This report is almost finished and it will come available in the coming weeks.

Finally, we exchanged views on the recommendations of the European Court of Auditors' Special Report on the Single Supervisory Mechanism. We fully agree with the overall assessment of the Report. And I have to say that the ECB has been very effective in setting up the SSM in a very short period of time. Really great work. The Report does deliver a number of recommendations for further improvements  and the ECB has been very clear that they will take on those recommendations and work on those improvements and we will take stock of the follow-up in the coming months in the framework of our regular dialogue with the SSM.

That's my introduction.

Categories: European Union
